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Data Privacy and Information Security

Subscriber price: $25.00, Non-subscriber price: $30.00
Estimated total study time: 40 minutes [Enroll now]

Information security involves the networks and computer systems that connect us to each other and the outside world. Data privacy refers to the data on that network, as well as physical records, and how we handle them. As technology advances and increases the availability of data, the challenges and threats to firms increase. Technology advances and the exponential increase in access to information raise additional challenges and threats to firms. Threats are generally assumed to be external, but often it is the employees' lack of knowledge or awareness and the subsequent actions that opens firms to security risks. In this course, we will discuss a range of data privacy, information security and asset protection concepts.

Data Privacy and Information Security

Information security involves the networks and computer systems that connect us to each other and the outside world. Data privacy refers to the data on that network, as well as physical records, and how we handle them. As technology advances and increases the availability of data, the challenges and threats to firms increase. Technology advances and the exponential increase in access to information raise additional challenges and threats to firms. Threats are generally assumed to be external, but often it is the employees' lack of knowledge or awareness and the subsequent actions that opens firms to security risks. In this course, we will discuss a range of data privacy, information security and asset protection concepts.