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E4u—Intro to U.S. Export Controls and AES for Forwarders

Subscriber price: $208.00, Non-subscriber price: $270.00
Estimated total study time: 14 hours 31 minutes [Enroll now]

This course provides a process-oriented introduction to U.S. export control and declaration requirements as routinely encountered in the work of a freight forwarder. This course is intended as a primer for entry-level personnel, and a means of filling in gaps that many mid-level freight forwarder clerks and customer service employees may have in their understanding of this important topic.

Everyone who documents export shipments, enters and/or transmits Electronic Export Information (EEI), and places AES exemption statements on transport documents should have this or equivalent training in order to help avoid becoming involved in export violations.

As a short introductory course, however, we do not herein address the much broader full range of U.S. export control and compliance topics. Nor do we cover all the informational requirements, forwarder authorization and other advanced issues surrounding proper preparation and transmission of EEI. These topics are covered in detail in other GISTnet courses. However, the study text for this course does contain many references and links to more detailed information as found elsewhere in the GISTnet Library should a learner wish to pursue particular topics in more detail.

Overview—Export Clearance Process, U.S. Export Regulation Objectives

This lesson opens with a process chart depicting generic steps a forwarder takes, or should take, in determining export clearance requirements, and then the processing of EEI when required. With the steps a forwarder is responsible for in mind, we begin with an examination of the reasons for the process, starting with the five basic objectives of U.S. export regulation.

(Estimated study time: 39 minutes)

U.S. Export Regulation Objectives, cont.; Sources of Assistance; Export Statistics

This lesson continues with high-level objectives of U.S. export regulation, sources of assistance for exporters and forwarders in meeting specific requirements, and requirement for export declarations for the collection of trade statistics for exports whether or not items exported are subject to any export controls.

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

Key Regulations Affecting U.S. Exports

This course is all about U.S. export regulations. This lesson addresses the three agencies and their regulations which forwarders are most affected by: The "EAR," "FTR," and the "ITAR."

(Estimated study time: 46 minutes)

General U.S. Export Requirements

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 5 minutes)

Responsibility of Forwarders; Enforcement of U.S. Export Requirements

(Estimated study time: 43 minutes)

Recognizing Exports that Are or May Be Controlled

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 12 minutes)

Recognizing Exports that Are or May Be Prohibited

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 1 minute)

Recognizing and Dealing with Suspicious and Naive Shippers; Supervision and Expertise

(Estimated study time: 51 minutes)

Information and Preparation Needed for Export Clearance

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 17 minutes)

Schedule B Classification—System, GRIs, Item Descriptions

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

Schedule B Classification—Process & Steps

(Estimated study time: 59 minutes)

Schedule B Classification—Net Quantity & Export Value

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 6 minutes)

AES Operational Challenges; Addressing Error Messages

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 22 minutes)

Annotation to Export Carrier's Document When EEI Not Required; Pre-Export Customs Processing when Required

(Estimated study time: 49 minutes)

Forwarder Representing FPPI in a Routed Export Transaction; U.S. Export Requirements vs. Transaction Delivery Terms; Export Record Keeping

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 5 minutes)