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C18u—U.S. Country of Origin Marking Requirements

Subscriber price: $56.00, Non-subscriber price: $73.00
Estimated total study time: 4 hours 8 minutes [Enroll now]

This course focuses on the complex U.S. Marking Requirements of Imported Goods, the difference for goods produced in a USMCA Country. It is geared to assist importers to avoid marking penalties and U.S. producers will learn procedures to determine the country of origin for marking purposes to complete documentation requested from their customers.

Rules of Origin Determine Country of Origin

Throughout this course we will discuss how to determine and mark products with the proper country of origin, certain items that require special marking, and those that require no marking at all. Improper marking and illegal removal of marking can result in problems at the time of customs release and depending on the severity of the situation, punishment by fines and/or imprisonment.

Rules of origin are necessary in order to determine the country of origin of an article. Rules of origin may differ when preferential treatment for certain trade agreements is involved. This course In this lesson we point you in the direction of the rules of origin for preferential and non-preferential treatment and touch on substantial transformation.

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

Marking the Product with Country of Origin

Once the proper country of origin is determined using the rules of origin, it must be marked on the product. In this lesson we address marking the country of origin on all finished goods. This will include the best forms of marking the product, how and where it needs to be shown.

(Estimated study time: 33 minutes)

Exceptions to Marking

In this lesson we discuss the goods that are exceptions to the country of origin marking requirements. This includes articles on the J-list or those purchased by the ultimate consumer which are not intended for resale. In addition we mention other articles that CBP considers acceptable such as articles that are either too old, too delicate, or too expensive to mark.

(Estimated study time: 44 minutes)

Special Marking and Labeling for Certain Articles

In the first portion of this lesson we discuss the special marking requirements for certain imported articles. Then we discover that the country of origin is not always the only thing required, some products also require additional labeling before they can be imported.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 20 minutes)

Consequences of Goods Not Legally Marked and Best Practices

In the lesson before you, we discuss the consequences of goods that are Not legally marked. We will also discuss the options the importer has upon learning that his goods are not marked properly so that he doesn't suffer the consequences. Then we will talk about best practices to use to avoid potential marking problems.

(Estimated study time: 43 minutes)