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IF2—Forwarder/Customs Broker Intro to Carrier Liability, Cargo Insurance, & Steps Upon Discovery of Loss/Damage

Subscriber price: $64.00, Non-subscriber price: $90.00
Estimated total study time: 4 hours 31 minutes [Enroll now]

This is an introductory-level course for junior freight forwarder and customs clearance staff with respect to:

This course is not a detailed treatment of these topics. However, the student will have access to the GISTnet Library for considerably more details as may be of interest. GISTnet also provides detailed level training (T6, T8, T9) for those responsible for deciding on specific insurance coverages, types of cargo insurance policies, arranging and documenting cargo insurance, and preparing and pursuing claims for cargo loss and damage against carriers and insurance companies.

Shipping Risks; Overview of Transportation Carrier Liability

(Estimated study time: 37 minutes)

Cargo Losses a Transportation Carrier Is and Is Not Liable For; Bailee Liability

(Estimated study time: 43 minutes)

Cargo Insurance: Key Benefits and Overview

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 2 minutes)

Cargo Insurance Coverages and Limitations

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 2 minutes)

Cargo Insurance Certificates; Insured's Obligations Upon Discovery of Cargo Loss or Damage

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 7 minutes)