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C17u—U.S. Customs Reconciliation Entry Program

Subscriber price: $49.00, Non-subscriber price: $64.00
Estimated total study time: 3 hours 41 minutes [Enroll now]

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) created an electronic environment in 1998 to allow post-entry revisions to certain elements of entries which are indeterminable at time of entry. Making progress under components of the MOD act, CBP's goal was to establish uniformity, provide financial safeguards and institute a legal mechanism for reconciling entries. This course outlines the history and procedures currently in place. Aspects of the course include how to notify CBP, types of reconciliation entries, issues allowed under a reconciliation entry and alternatives to reconciliation.

History of Reconciliation and Issues that Can Be Reconciled

Your first lesson begins with CBP's definition of what reconciliation is and how it came into being. Then we look at the kinds of issues that can be corrected using a reconciliation entry.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 8 minutes)

Eligibility to Reconcile and Notification to CBP

In this lesson you will learn what the time limits are for filing the reconciliation entry, what the eligibility requirements are and how to notify CBP of the importer's intent to file a reconciliation entry.

(Estimated study time: 54 minutes)

Filing the Reconciliation Entry

We will discuss the elements that must be completed in order for the reconciliation to be considered timely. There are also two different types of reconciliation that can be filed. This lesson will explore the reasons for each. The final component is processing the reconciliation with payment plus interest or a refund.

(Estimated study time: 50 minutes)

After the Reconciliation Entry is Filed

This lesson takes a look at different aspects that can occur after the entry is filed, as well as, alternatives to filing a reconciliation entry. Then we review the current functionality and future opportunities occurring in ACE.

(Estimated study time: 49 minutes)