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DG12u—Awareness of Undeclared Dangerous Goods

Subscriber price: $20.00, Non-subscriber price: $29.00
Estimated total study time: 1 hour 46 minutes [Enroll now]

This module provides awareness of "indicative cargo descriptions" that suggest a shipment may contain undeclared dangerous goods/hazmat. It is specifically designed for:

  1. Stand-alone training for forwarder and transportation carrier staff so that they may exercise more care before accepting cargo that may contain DG, and refer such shipments to more highly trained personnel to make a further determination.
  2. Inclusion in DG/Hazmat employee certification training.

Employee certification training is not complete without additional modules addressing a person's "function-specific" responsibilities, "general safety", "security awareness" and, when required, an employer "hazmat security plan".

Perils of Undeclared ("Hidden") Dangerous Goods

In this lesson we address in considerable detail the importance for forwarders, truckers and others in cargo transportation to be able to recognize shipments which may contain undocumented ("hidden") dangerous goods, and improperly prepared dangerous goods shipments.

(Estimated study time: 56 minutes)

Cargo Descriptions Indicative of Undeclared DG; Responsibilities and Actions to Take

(Estimated study time: 49 minutes)