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DG22u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Air Forwarder

Subscriber price: $87.00, Non-subscriber price: $115.00
Estimated total study time: 6 hours 42 minutes [Enroll now]

This is an add-on module to DG21u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Forwarder (Base) to complete the the "function specific" portion of DG/Hazmat Employee certification training for personnel performing air freight forwarding tasks and responsibilities.

Important: Employee certification training is not complete without additional modules addressing "general awareness", "general safety", "security awareness" and, when required, an employer's "hazmat security plan".

Air Shipment of Vehicles; Pre-Booking and Pick-up of DG Air Shipments

(Estimated study time: 53 minutes)

Air Shipments Containing Lithium Batteries

(Estimated study time: 57 minutes)

Additional Restrictions on Air Shipment of Lithium Batteries; Detailed Restriction Charts

(Estimated study time: 48 minutes)

Applying International Rules to Air Shipments Containing Lithium Batteries—Examples

(Estimated study time: 59 minutes)

Air Shipments Containing Lithium Batteries—Additional Examples

(Estimated study time: 53 minutes)

Criteria for Lithium Batteries Packed with Equipment; Forwarder's Checklist for Air Shipment of Batteries

(Estimated study time: 55 minutes)

Additional Air Forwarder Function-Specific Tasks and Concerns; Review Exercise

In this initial lesson of your add-on function-specific module on air forwarding, we address several issues only applicable to air forwarding, and provide two practical exercise questions which serve to address new concerns raises in this lesson as well as review everything else you have learned in your prior general forwarding module.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 16 minutes)