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DG21u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Forwarder (Base)

Subscriber price: $115.00, Non-subscriber price: $150.00
Estimated total study time: 9 hours 5 minutes [Enroll now]

This module provides the basis for the "function specific" portion of DG/Hazmat Employee certification training for personnel performing freight forwarding tasks and responsibilities across all modes of transportation. Forwarding personnel arranging shipments via air transportation should additionally complete the add-on module DG22u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Air Forwarder, which addresses additional restrictions and requirements when shipping DG cargo by air. Forwarding personnel arranging shipments via ocean and inland waterway vessel transportation should additionally complete the add-on module DG23u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Ocean Forwarder, which addresses additional issues related to vessel shipment.

Important: Employee certification training is not complete without additional modules addressing "general awareness", "general safety", "security awareness" and, when required, an employer's "hazmat security plan".

Legal Responsibilities of All Involved In Preparing, Arranging and Transporting

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

Forwarder Concerns Before Handling DG; DG Shipment Quotations; Scrutiny over Undeclared DG and Shipper's Documentation

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 0 minutes)

Forwarder Operational Steps and Communications with Shipper and Transport Carriers

(Estimated study time: 42 minutes)

Dangerous Goods Acceptance at Cargo Terminal; Forwarder Documentation Tasks

(Estimated study time: 54 minutes)

DG in Cargo Consolidations; Container/Vehicle Packing Certificate

(Estimated study time: 44 minutes)

Re-Forwarding Dangerous Goods Previously Shipped in Commerce

(Estimated study time: 37 minutes)

Responding to Shipper DG Questions and Assistance Requests

(Estimated study time: 41 minutes)

Resolving Possible Undeclared DG; Uncooperative Shippers

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

Review of Requirements for Particular Types of DG; Required Incident Reporting; Use of DG Processing Checklists

This lesson of forwarder function-specific training:

  1. Summarizes/reviews requirements for particular types of DG, including self-powered vehicles, infectious substances, radioactive materials, electric batteries and battery-powered equipment);
  2. Reviews forwarder preparation for handling DG;
  3. Reviews incident reporting should this requirement every arise; and
  4. Concludes with an introduction to use of forwarder checklists. Subsequent lessons will contain additional operational checklists to conclude your forwarder general function-specific training.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 1 minute)

Checking Information on the Shipper's Declaration

(Estimated study time: 53 minutes)

Cargo Physical Acceptance Checklist; Information for Transportation Document

(Estimated study time: 59 minutes)