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CB21u—Lacey Act Amendment and ABI Processing

Subscriber price: $34.00, Non-subscriber price: $45.00
Estimated total study time: 1 hour 47 minutes [Enroll now]

This course is an overview of the Lacey Act, specifically amendments included in the 2008 Farm Bill. The information provided is beneficial for customs brokers and importers that handle certain plants and plant products including lumber, woodpulp, paper and paperboard, canes, hand tools, musical instruments, guns, furniture, billiard accessories or sculptures, for example.

Examples are included and the assessments offer practice with species, constituent elements, and number of PGA lines. We provide a look at an actual document and how it translates to electronic filing using sample screens from the Automated Commercial Environment through SmartBorder® and detailed information on requirements for completing the electronic filing. This course can be customized with screens from any ACE software system.

Lacey Act Amendment

This first lesson begins with an overview of the Lacey Act Amendment. The study material will include the documentation required, who must provide the documentation, how it must be provided and the penalties for not providing it. In this first lesson we also introduce the systems and agencies involved in the import process.

(Estimated study time: 54 minutes)

Lacey Act ABI Processing

This lesson continues on from the introduction to the systems, interfaces and agencies and gets down to the nitty gritty on how to enter the electronic information. Coverage includes when documentation is required, when it isn't and how it translates from the form to the questions in the Automated Commercial Environment. Sample documentation and screens are included and assessments include practice interpreting the information on the PPQ form 505.

Please note: The APHIS Lacey ABI Processing in SmartBorder® lesson can be replaced with screen prints and information specific to your company ABI system. Please contact for more information.

(Estimated study time: 53 minutes)