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DG27u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Truck Driver/Dispatcher

Subscriber price: $45.00, Non-subscriber price: $58.00
Estimated total study time: 3 hours 17 minutes [Enroll now]

This module, together with DG26u—Dangerous Goods: Function Specific: Terminal Staff, provides the "function specific" portion of DG/Hazmat Employee certification training for truck driver/dispatcher personnel.

Important: Employee certification training is not complete without additional modules addressing "general awareness", "general safety", "security awareness" and, when required, an employer's "hazmat security plan".

U.S. and International Placarding Requirements

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 18 minutes)

Placarding, cont; Containers & Trailers for Vessel Transport

(Estimated study time: 37 minutes)

DG Documents and Information Required With Driver for Road Transport

(Estimated study time: 37 minutes)

DG Incidents and Accidents; Reporting Requirements

(Estimated study time: 45 minutes)