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DG20u—Dangerous Goods, Function Specific: Customs Brokerage

Subscriber price: $55.00, Non-subscriber price: $72.00
Estimated total study time: 4 hours 15 minutes [Enroll now]

This module provides the "function specific" portion of DG/Hazmat Employee certification training for personnel working in customs brokerage, including import traffic and shipment reforwarding.

Important: Employee certification training is not complete without additional modules addressing "general awareness", "general safety", "security awareness" and, when required, an employer's "hazmat security plan".

Customs Clearance Agent Dangerous Goods Responsibilities; Recognizing a DG Shipment

(Estimated study time: 58 minutes)

Indicators of Undeclared DG; Customs Inspection Concerns with DG

(Estimated study time: 57 minutes)

Shipper's Declaration Information

(Estimated study time: 36 minutes)

Arranging Delivery or On-Carriage of DG

(Estimated study time: 44 minutes)

Procedures for Delivery/On-Carriage of DG by Air; Through Air-Sea Through Movement

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 0 minutes)