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C14u—Food and Drug Administration Regulated Imports

Subscriber price: $50.00, Non-subscriber price: $74.00
Estimated total study time: 5 hours 14 minutes [Enroll now]

This course is for anyone needing a better understanding of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) import process and information requirements for entry into the United States including information on Prior Notice (PN), Food Facility Registration (FFR), the Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP) and the Voluntary Qualified Importer Program (VQIP).

FDA-Food and Drug Administration Regulatory Authority

This lesson begins with an introduction to the Food and Drug Administration and the products they regulate. We look at the regulatory authority behind the strict import requirements and then begin to examine some of the programs that help keep America's food supply safe.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 12 minutes)

FDA Prior Notice of Food Products

This lesson focuses on the time limits and pre-arrival import requirements for human and animal food and ingredients. We discuss facility registration and additional data requirements for these shipments.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 7 minutes)

FDA Product Code Required for Imported Products

This lesson focuses on learning about FDA product codes, their creation, and practicing how to create them.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 41 minutes)

FDA Import Processing

This lesson explains the import process from beginning to end and the electronic systems FDA uses to review import information. In addition we will touch on the elements that must be transmitted, examination procedures, and steps to rectify FDA Notices of Action.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 15 minutes)