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Subscriber price: $15.00, Non-subscriber price: $20.00
Estimated total study time: 1 hour 21 minutes
This fill-in-the-gaps learning addresses operational tasks of ocean forwarder with respect to routing and booking cargo.
This module does not have a study assignment per se, and assumes that the user has some existing understanding of the topic. A person with little or no prior understanding of this topic should instead take a regular GISTnet course covering this topic.
Instructions for use of this learning module:
Please use "Instafeedback" in your assessment-for-learning and the short form following your assessment-for-record for any questions you have about this topic or concerns about our learning process.
If you need help in using the system, please contact us by email ( or by phone at 310-376-3888.
(Estimated study time: 1 hour 21 minutes)