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CB15u—Customs Broker Supervision and Control

Subscriber price: $68.00, Non-subscriber price: $100.00
Estimated total study time: 6 hours 19 minutes [Enroll now]

Modernization of the customs broker regulations in 19 CFR 111 requires brokers applying for a national permit to provide CBP with a plan for supervision and control. CBP also recommends all brokers to develop a plan even though is is not required to be submitted. This course discusses best practices for developing these plans.

Modernization of the Customs Broker Regulations

There have been several recent changes to the Customs Broker Regulations in 19 CFR 111. In this lesson, we will discuss what "customs business" means and the requirements for customs brokers to conduct customs business for others.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 13 minutes)

Recordkeeping Requirements and Procedures

This lesson provides a comprehensive overview of the recordkeeping requirements and procedures for entry records in the United States. It details the parties required to keep records, the retention periods for various types of records, and the specific regulations governing these requirements. Additionally, it covers the procedures for recordkeeping in the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), customs broker records storage, maintenance, retrieval, destruction, and security, as well as the confidentiality of records.

(Estimated study time: 30 minutes)

The Broker - Client Relationship

This lesson provides a comprehensive guide on consistently satisfying client needs and expectations in the customs brokerage industry. It emphasizes the importance of committed staff, good operational organization, and discipline. The document outlines performance standards, operational procedures, and systems for monitoring shipment performance and addressing problems before they result in delays or other adverse consequences.

(Estimated study time: 59 minutes)

Discovering and Reporting Errors

This lesson focuses on the concept of "reasonable care" that importers must exercise when providing information to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) for the entry and release of merchandise. Importers are responsible for ensuring the accuracy of customs documentation, including descriptions, classifications, valuations, country of origin, and proper marking of merchandise. The lesson will cover the importance of consulting with customs experts, maintaining accurate records, and the procedures for discovering and reporting errors.

(Estimated study time: 42 minutes)

U.S. Customs Broker Responsibilities

This lesson addresses regulatory requirements which the CBP places on licensed customs brokers with respect to "responsible supervision" of operations and employees by individually licensed brokers.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 27 minutes)

Creating the Responsible Supervision Plan

This lesson covers each factor of a supervision plan suggesting how responsible supervision and control can be exercised and what evidence CBP is looking for to proover the customs business conducted under the national permit is or will be conducted in accordance with 19 CFR 111.28.

Even though it is only a requirement for new permit applications, it is recommended that every permit holder develop a plan for for responsible supervision and control as a best practice.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 29 minutes)