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Telephone Courtesy and Customer Service

Subscriber price: $55.00, Non-subscriber price: $70.00
Estimated total study time: 2 hours 36 minutes [Enroll now]

To estimated study time you should add approximately 1 hour for final action plan development and evaluation. This course uses video role play, personalization exercises, and coaching options. Concludes with a personal action plan oriented to one's particular job assignment and needed growth areas.

In this course, you will learn how to:

Quality Customer Service and Telephone Techniques

This lesson helps you understand the basics of providing high quality customer service and introduces you to several telephone techniques.

(Estimated study time: 41 minutes)

Telephone Techniques Seven Through Eleven...

As you work through this lesson, you will learn ways to negotiate agreement with customers and to obtain information you need.

(Estimated study time: 37 minutes)

Telephone Techniques Twelve Through Eighteen

In this lesson, you will learn about:

(Estimated study time: 38 minutes)

Understanding Customer Needs and Managing Customer Perception

Two more key skills for providing excellent telephone customer service are covered in this lesson:

(Estimated study time: 35 minutes)

Your Telephone Skills Inventory and Action Plan for Better Service

This final session of Telephone Courtesy & Customer Service consists of a personal action plan to be developed and then pursued following course completion. It provides an opportunity to apply what has been learned to your particular job assignment.

(Estimated study time: 6 minutes)