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DG70u—Dangerous Goods: Radioactive Materials for Shippers and Forwarders

Subscriber price: $367.00, Non-subscriber price: $475.00
Estimated total study time: 15 hours 11 minutes [Enroll now]

This course provides advanced awareness and procedural training in the shipment of radioactive materials (RM) by all modes of transportation. Coverage here significantly exceeds the Class 7 general awareness training found in most general-purpose DG certification training, and assumes the student has already been trained and certified in general dangerous goods shipping requirements. It is intended as advanced training for shippers, freight forwarders and other transportation personnel who will physically handle, arrange shipment of and/or load radioactive materials (other than RM in limited quantities and/or excepted packaging) into overpacks and conveyances, including intermodal containers.

Important: This course is not complete employee Dangerous Goods/Hazmat certification training. Rather it should be used as an add-on to general-purpose certification training. Nor is this training sufficient to qualify a person to classify RM, design packaging for RM or apply for Competent Authority approvals.

This training does not provide function-specific level training for shippers and others responsible for preparing radioactive materials for shipment with respect to:

Competency in these functions requires a deeper understanding of the physical and chemical properties of radioactive materials, and package engineering expertise, than will be trained herein.

This course provides numerous references to the IAEA Regulations for the Safe Transport of Radioactive Material, international DG regulations (ICAO Technical Instructions, IMDG Code), and the U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations (49 CFR 171-180). A cross-reference of references to the IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations is also provided. Full access to the IAEA regulations and the U.S. Hazardous Materials Regulations is available free on-line; access to the current version of one of the other regulations above would also be helpful but not required to complete this training.

A Unique Hazard

This lesson introduces the health threat posed by the three types of radiation emitted by radioactive materials.

(Estimated study time: 51 minutes)

Imperatives for Safe Transportation of RM; Understanding "Activity Level"

This lesson introduces basic safety imperatives for safe transportation and storage of radioactive materials, for which an understanding of "activity level" is needed.

(Estimated study time: 50 minutes)

International and U.S. HMR (49 CFR) Regulation of RM Shipments

This lesson identifies the international regulations and U.S. regulations that that govern the shipment of RM, and the particular sections that address classification, packing instructions, shipper responsibilities, marking, labeling, placarding and the design and testing of packaging.

Also addressed are RM shipments that present such low risk that they are not regulated as dangerous goods for transportation.

(Estimated study time: 52 minutes)

Limitations on Commercial Transportation of Radioactive Materials by Transport Mode

This lesson addresses general limitations on the shipment of radioactive materials by mode of transport.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 0 minutes)

RM Packages and Shipments Requiring Government Approval; Summary of RM Shipper Responsibilities

This lesson addresses the shipper's responsibility for RM shipments requiring Type B and Type C packages to obtain approval from the Competent Authority(s) of country(s) through which shipments so packed will pass prior to shipment. This lesson also reviews general shipper responsibilities as they apply to shipment of RM.

(Estimated study time: 50 minutes)

Categorization and Classification

(Estimated study time: 52 minutes)

Requirements for Specific Shipments of Radioactive Materials

(Estimated study time: 56 minutes)

Requirements for Specific Shipments of Radioactive Materials, cont.

(Estimated study time: 51 minutes)

Introduction to Radioactive Materials Packaging

(Estimated study time: 58 minutes)

Excepted Packages

(Estimated study time: 43 minutes)

Industrial Package (IP); Type A Package

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 8 minutes)

Type B Package, Type C Package

(Estimated study time: 50 minutes)

Competent Authority Package and Shipment Approval, Package Marking Requirements

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 5 minutes)

Package Labeling, Conveyance Placarding

(Estimated study time: 54 minutes)

Shipper's Documentation, Special Provisions for Excepted Packages

(Estimated study time: 50 minutes)

Stowage of Radioactive Materials into Freight Containers and Conveyances

(Estimated study time: 43 minutes)

Air Shipment of Radioactive Materials; Forwarder Concerns with RM

(Estimated study time: 59 minutes)