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CB2u—Intro to U.S. Customs Brokerage: Part 2, Customs Broker Transactions, Supervision and Work Flow

Subscriber price: $167.00, Non-subscriber price: $220.00
Estimated total study time: 12 hours 24 minutes [Enroll now]

This the second of the nine-part series of introductory courses in the practical work of U.S. customs brokerage work groups, and should be taken after completion of Intro to U.S. Customs Brokerage, Part 1, for proper continuity (See the syllabus for Part 1 for more information).

This course delves deeper into operational aspects of customs brokerage, beginning with import carrier and importer responsibilities prior to arrival of a shipment to be imported. We next address starting a broker transaction and understanding the full range of possible customs entry procedures which may be used to meet a client's need. We conclude with how broker operations are typically organized and supervised, and the CBP requirement for "Responsible Supervision."

Note: The actual processing of a customs entry is covered in Part 9 of this introductory course series.

Pre-Importation Responsibilities of the Importer, Carrier, and Customs Broker

In this lesson we examine what must happen before a shipment arrives into the U.S. For example, the import carrier must provide advance shipment (manifest) information to CBP, and the importer (or an agent of the importer) must notify the FDA with shipment details before food that is imported into the U.S. arrives.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 15 minutes)

Starting a Customs Broker Transaction

This lesson addresses what triggers the beginning of a customs broker transaction, how to start a transaction in a broker's operational system, and the information and documents needed before starting work on the customs entry.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 22 minutes)

Understanding Options for Customs Entry

This lesson begins our coverage of what a customs broker must understand about types of customs entries, and their applicability based on the particulars of an import shipment.

(Estimated study time: 47 minutes)

The ABI System

CBP's Automated Broker Interface (ABI) is the means by which customs brokers and direct-filer importers do most of their business with CBP. It is important to understand the nature and capabilities of this system.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 21 minutes)

Customs Entry by "Formality" of Procedure

This lesson explains differences between types of customs entry by level of formality (formal, informal, or neither), and the factors that determine the level of formality.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 27 minutes)

Types of Customs Entries Based on Disposition of Goods; "Consumption Entries"

This lesson addresses types of customs entries and options to achieve various dispositions of the imported goods. We begin with an overview of all types of entry procedures, and then examine entry for consumption.

(Estimated study time: 36 minutes)

Entry of Goods for a Temporary or Conditional Time Period

Goods which are to be in the the U.S. only temporarily, or are imported for exhibition only, are often entered under special provisions to avoid the payment of duty or to simplify the import and re-export process. This lesson addresses these types of entries.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 3 minutes)

Additional Types of Customs Entry

In this lesson we continue our examination of customs entries in terms of the intended disposition of the goods, including foreign trade zone entries and transportation-in-bond.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 5 minutes)

In-Transit Cargo

In this lesson we address procedures for the movement of in-transit cargo under bond, responsibilities and concerns with such cargo and reasons a customs broker may become involved in arranging such shipments.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 1 minute)

U.S. Customs Broker Responsibilities

This lesson addresses regulatory requirements which the CBP places on licensed customs brokers with respect to "responsible supervision" of operations and employees by individually licensed brokers.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 27 minutes)

Customs Broker Work Group Organization

This lesson covers ways that customs brokers organize and supervise their work groups, and the importance of each work group member understanding such organization, division of labor, work flow and their own responsibilities.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 1 minute)