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Air Cargo Security Training (U.S.)

Important: These courses are available for use by U.S. Indirect Air Carrier (air forwarder) direct employees, agents and sub-contractors ("authorized representatives"). See our IAC/AR services page for more information about required set-up and authorization forms. IAC representatives may request a syllabus for these courses from or by phone at +1.310.376.3888.

Job Assignment of Person to Be Trained Course ("-S"=Spanish) Estimated Hours to Complete Subscriber Fee Non-Subscriber Fee
Initial Refresher Initial Refresher Initial Refresher
IAC station manager, supervisor, full-charge customer service & documentation staff* AS-1 8-10 4-5 $45.00 $22.50 $65.00 $32.50
IAC customer service or documentation agent/clerk under in-person supervision by a full-charge trained person AS-2 6-7 3-4 $30.00 $15.00 $40.00 $20.00
IAC or AR cargo terminal staff who accept, store, containerize and tender air cargo, but who do not screen air cargo* AS-3, AS-3-S 7-9 4-6 $35.00 $17.50 $45.00 $22.50
IAC or AR truck driver, dispatcher, or trucking supervisor/manager, including Screened Cargo Chain-of-Custody* AS-7, AS-7-S 7-9 4-6 $33.00 $16.50 $40.00 $20.00
IAC or AR personnel with un-escorted access to air cargo but no operational responsibilities (e.g., security guards, janitors, non-airfreight department personnel) AS-4, AS-4-S 2 1 $10.00 $5.00 $15.00 $7.50
Temporary workers and casual labor handling air cargo and performing other operational tasks under continuous direct supervision of higher trained air cargo staff AS-4, AS-4-S 2 1 $10.00 $5.00 $15.00 $7.50
IAC Security Coordinator, alternate IAC security coordinator* AS-5 10-14 5-7 $75.00 $37.50 $110.00 $55.00
Newly assigned IAC Security Coordinator or alternate—add-on training for a person who has already completed AS-1 AS-6 2-4 1-2 $30.00 $15.00 $45.00 $22.50
IAC CCSF Training—All Personnel AS-10 5-7 3-5 $32.00 $16.00 $42.00 $21.00
* Denotes course that includes detailed screened cargo chain of custody training

CCS-Qualified denotes courses that provide continuing education credit for NCBFAA Certified Customs Specialist ("CCS") and MCS participants
CES-Qualified denotes courses that provide continuing education credit for NCBFAA Certified Export Specialist ("CES") and MES participants
LCB-Continuing Ed denotes courses that provide continuing education credit for U.S. Customs Brokers