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C23u—PGA's: Introduction to Partner Government Agencies with U.S. Import Requirements

Subscriber price: $98.00, Non-subscriber price: $144.00
Estimated total study time: 7 hours 9 minutes [Enroll now]

There are over 50 Partner Government Agencies with electronic filing capabilities. This course will only cover those that have documents that must be submitted through ACE, whether through a PGA message set or Document Image System (DIS). There will be a brief introduction of each, including what they do, the electronic documents needed, where their regulations are found and links to their websites for further import information. The intention is to create an intermediate course based on each, similar to C14u—Food and Drug Administration Regulated Imports.

Overview of Partner Government Agencies (PGAs)

To protect American health, security or the economy, the importation of certain goods may be controlled or restricted. Certain federal agencies have product-specific knowledge, even though CBP has the final say because they are the primary agency responsible for importations into the U.S. They have to have the proper information to determine admissibility. The importer of record is ultimately responsible for providing this information but filers must understand which agencies to notify and how to provide the necessary information for cargo clearance.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 21 minutes)

Introduction to Executive Office and Independent Agencies

Although there are many more agencies that have signed a memorandum of understanding with CBP as a Partner Government Agency (PGA), the focus of our introductions in this lesson will be on Departments that are within the Executive Office of the President and Independent Agencies.

(Estimated study time: 49 minutes)

USDA - Introduction to the U.S. Department of Agriculture

This lesson is an introduction of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, including the following partner government agencies (PGAs): Agriculture Marketing Service (AMS) including CORE and Lacey, Animal and Plant Health Inspection (APHIS), including Plant Protection and Quarantine (PPQ), the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) and the Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS).

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 20 minutes)

DOC - Introduction to the U.S. Department of Commerce

This lesson introduces the U.S. Department of Commerce as a partner government agency (PGA) of CBP's and the departments within this agency that require documentation for import. These agencies include the International Trade Administration (ITA) and the Enforcement and Compliance department within ITA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) as part of NOAA, ending with OTEXA, the Office of Textiles and Apparel department.

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 3 minutes)

Introduction to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)

This lesson is an introduction of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the agencies or offices that communicate electronically with CBP. We will review the applicable laws or regulations, products, and certain documents for each and how those documents must be presented.

(Estimated study time: 44 minutes)

Introduction to the U.S. Departments of Defense (DOD), Interior (DOI) and State (DOS)

This lesson is an introduction to three agencies and departments within them that are partner government agencies requiring documentation for import. These include: The Department of Defense (DOD), and its Defense Contracts Management Agency, the Department of the Interior (DOI) and the Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) within the DOI, and ending with the Department of State and the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) and Office of Marine Conservation (OMC).

(Estimated study time: 1 hour 2 minutes)

Introduction to the Departments of Justice (DOJ), Transportation (DOT) and Treasury (USDT)

This lesson is an introduction to the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), Department of Transportation (DOT), the U.S. Treasury Department (USDT), and the agencies or offices that communicate electronically with CBP. We will review the applicable laws or regulations, products, and certain documents for each and how those documents must be presented.

(Estimated study time: 51 minutes)