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Dangerous Goods (HazMat) Shipping (U.S.)

U.S. DOT regulations (49 CFR 172.704 and 702) specify training that an employee must complete before an employer can certify such employee as a "hazmat employee" (i.e., as a person responsible for arranging and/or handling HazMat shipments). There are five components to this training:

See the exact training you should take based on your job responsibilities:

[Course Wizard]

In general, GISTnet recommends the same course be used for both initial and refresher training. This way, regardless of when and how a person was previously trained, all needed topics, including new developments, will be covered. A person who has retained much of what was previously learned will complete refresher training in significantly less time by assessing-out of what is already understood. An automatic fee discount of 50% will be applied for a person who has completed previous equivalent HazMat training on GISTnet.

Use can use the GISTnet job profiles system to streamline administration of training, especially DG and other recurrent training requirements. Let us show you how.

U.S. Dangerous Goods Training Modules

Overview of courses required by job assignment
Job AssignmentFee*General AwarenessFunction-SpecificGeneral SafetySecurity Awareness
Customs broker$219$288XXX*****
Air forwarder, ICAO+DOT+IATA$457$599XXXX*****
Air forwarder, IATA only$135$179XX*****
Ocean forwarder$390$509XXXX*****
Air+ocean forwarder$477$624XXXXX*****
Cargo handler$247$321XXX*****
Truck driver, dispatcher$292$379XXXX*****

* Fee includes indicated General Awareness and Function-Specific modules. Fee does not include required General Safety or Security Awareness training. Refresher training is automatically discounted 50% for students who have prior equivalent training from GISTnet. Volume discounts also apply to purchase of 10 or more assignments.

** Safety training mandated under OSHA rules fulfills this Hazmat training requirement, including available GISTnet courses.

*** TSA-mandated air cargo security training for airforwarders and their sub-contractors and/or security training pursuant to CBP's C-TPAT program, fulfills this Hazmat training requirement.

DG2u should be assigned to people receiving initial DG training. DG70u is additional training for individuals handling radioactive materials other than ORM.

The GISTnet training management system can be used to record all relevant training for inclusion on a single employee training certificate for DOT or FAA audit purposes.

For more information about training requirements, see Facts Concerning the Requirement for Dangerous Goods Training in the U.S.

Volume and retake discounts are available.

Global denotes courses that are designed for worldwide use
U.S. denotes courses that are designed for use only in the United States
CCS-Qualified denotes courses that provide continuing education credit for NCBFAA Certified Customs Specialist ("CCS") and MCS participants
CES-Qualified denotes courses that provide continuing education credit for NCBFAA Certified Export Specialist ("CES") and MES participants
LCB-Continuing Ed denotes courses that provide continuing education credit for U.S. Customs Brokers